Sunday, March 17, 2013

Major Contents on Gun Control

What are the critical attributes of your current event?

Critical attributes is a teaching strategy that focuses on transmitting the procedural knowledge of identifying the essential elements of a concept so that students do not form inaccurate concepts on the topic. The critical attributes on our current event, gun control, are to make sure students are aware of the procedural knowledge.  Students need to be aware of the steps needed to complete to obtain a gun license. They need to be aware of the classes they need to take to obtain the license, they need to know about the background check, they need to know about the extensive application that needs to be filled out, and most importantly where to go to apply for the license to carry. These are critical factors for teachers to tell their students when teaching them about this current event. It is important not to leave any important information out because it is uncomfortable to talk about with children. They need to know the important factors about guns, so they can form their own accurate views on the subject.

Informational Knowledge

  Gun violence in the United States: includes recent events and tragedies
  •  Gun violence is one of the leading causes of premature mortality in the United States
  •  Main agencies involved with firearms licensing: local police departments and the Office of  Public Safety’s Firearms Records Bureau
  • The different types of fire arms licenses: Class A, Class B, FID card and their requirements
  •  Each state has its own laws regarding right-to-carry
  •  Gun Control Laws’ Goals:
    • Prohibit a person from owning a gun
    • Restrictions of carrying guns
    • Enhance public safety

Procedural Knowledge

  • Steps needed to be completed in order to gain a gun permit
  •       Where to go to gain more information on gun control
  •       Where to go to fill out paper work to request a gun permit
  •       How to undergo a background check
  •       Where to go to take classes on shooting and gun handling 

How would you break this concept up to teach us as we read the blog, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what the concepts within the current event/ issue mean?

To begin teaching this concept I think you would need to first start by asking what people know about gun control and their feelings on the topic; it is important to know how much information they are aware of. I think then it would be best to talk about current events (depending on the age) to make the students more aware of how gun control is affecting the community and get them interested on the topic. They could also find and bring in a current event they found on the topic that they found interesting and reflect on it with their classmates. Then the teaching would need to be broken down into the current laws and regulations for the different types of guns, having bold lists of the current requirements for the class to revert back to. This could then lead into a discussion of what requirements should be added, deleted, or altered; the class themselves could make their own list of requirements. I think a final great way to really get students interested and informed on the topic would to be a debate. Gun control is an extremely controversial topic and by having a debate they must find information on both sides of the topic.

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