Sunday, March 24, 2013

Taking Action: Allison

When considering what to do for the "take action" portion of this blog I was not sure where to begin. At first I remembered when the Sandy Hook massacre took place they sent giant cards around to sign which was perfect for this, but that was months ago; so I started brainstorming what to do now. I looked up blogs and petitions on google, trying to find something I agreed with. However what I struggled with was finding an article or petition that I agreed COMPLETELY with. I had found petitions on the We The People White House petition site that I kind of agreed with, but not all of it. I also looked into Dianne Fienstein's new bill and supporting that but her resources seemed to not be very strong and her quotes were misused. I did not feel comfortable signing any of these because I did not in my heart 100% agree with what they were saying and it didn't feel right to only half agree. If I am going to stand up for what I believe in, I'm standing up for ONLY what I believe in, not some different version of it. When I realized somebody else's petition may not be a good way to take action I realized I needed to find a way I could present my thoughts, and my thoughts only. The best way I saw to do this was through my own petition on the We the People website. This way I can word my own petition and see if anyone agrees with MY ideas, not somebody else's. It felt great to make my own changes and not let someone else do it. We are all so lazy and consumed within our own lives, we forget we are what changes the world. I do not know if my petition will make a difference or if people will even sign it, but I took the first step in making a change and that is all anyone can do.
Here is the link to my petition if anyone would like to sign, Gun Control Petition .
As to the topic of social justice I believe this should definitely be used within the classroom. My only thought though is that you need to be able to make whatever you are teaching and sharing relatable and appropriate to whatever age the class is. The classroom is a place to learn and discover yourself. The children need to be able to be aware of social issues because that is the world they are currently living in. Social justice in the classroom is opening their eyes and making them aware of the world around them; by sheltering the students from what is going on the world it is blinding them from the truth. We may thinking that keeping our children in the dark is protecting them but it is also hurting them. The classroom is the perfect place for social justice because that is where people go to learn and be educated. Education is the perfect instrument for the public good.

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