Sunday, March 17, 2013

Interview on Gun Control

My Interview with my friend Steven. He is 21 years old and is currently a student in Massachusetts.

Q. Is this a problem you think is important? Why/ Why not?

A. "Absolutely. Because without laws or control things would get out of hand and things can escalade quickly. Guns are very powerful and should be taken very seriously, and without laws people can lose lives. Guns are a necessity in life for things such as protection and hunting but without proper laws it’d be anarchy. "

Q. Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? why/ why not?

A. "Very much so, with what has been happening lately around the world and in the news people are taking gun control more seriously than ever. There are two sides of it people are scared of weapons and want them banned and on the other side people believe that they deserve weapons as long as they are handled in the right way, but where is the line drawn?"

Q. What are advantages of the current laws and regulations on obtaining a gun license?

A. "The biggest advantage is that you cannot get a gun on site and that there is some kind of waiting period and background check involved. Also guns salesman have the right to deny selling a gun to someone who seems to have the wrong intentions."

Q. What are disadvantages of the current laws and regulations on obtaining a gun license and how may they be improved?

A. "There are loopholes for people who probably do not deserve to have a gun with criminal backgrounds or mental instabilities. The policy could be improved by having deeper background checks such as looking at mental background checks as well as a longer waiting period. "

Q. Do you feel the regulations need to be replaced? If so, why?

A. "The policy does not need to be replaced, but improved immensely. The current policies are clearly flawed especially when looking at the current events that have taken place. These events are serious and should not be taken lightly or ignored as they have seemed to be."

Q. What disagreements, if any, about the regulations exist in this community?

A. "They need to reevaluate how they go about things with people as they are in the world, people want to see the NRA take more actions and improve the currents laws and regulations to obtain a gun. The amount of mass murders recently have really shaken up the community and cleared people’s eyes to the problems with the current laws and regulations."

I believe completely with the interview and it was nice to interview someone who actually agrees with me on the laws. However it was interesting to interview Steve when I know his brother and father are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to gun control.  He grew up in a family that would hunt and supported the NRA and everything they do.  I think it would honestly be hard for me to interview someone who did not have the same ideas and beliefs as me on the topic because I feel so strongly about how flawed the current requirements are.  It was nice to be able to interview someone and speak to them about a current topic that is so important that we would not usually discuss; it is kind of eye opening to see the conversations that one would not have.
Here is a picture of me and Steven.

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