Monday, March 25, 2013

Take Action: Ashley

When I began researching how to have my voice heard on this subject I realized how specific petitions are. Like my fellow group member, Allison, I would disagree with certain parts. This made me uncomfortable to sign my name or give personal information. I wanted to wholeheartedly agree with something I was going to sign and support. Turns out I really liked the way Allison phrased her petition and the details she included. After conducting my interview with my dad I realized how important it is for deeper background checks, especially in mental health. I do not believe the only people who should be able to own a gun are law enforcement and that was what a lot of the other petitions were stating. However, I do believe things need to change and it is too easy to obtain a gun license. Although it only took one quick click to sign this petition it felt powerful to support something I really believe in. I was happy to see someone else felt the same way I do and I do not think any action is too small. Every change needs to start somewhere.

As for where I lie in regards to teaching about social justice issues, I feel strongly that they should be included in the classroom. There is no age too young to begin because there is always a softer way of putting things. Not every detail needs to be included if it is too mature for the age group. I feel students should not be left in the dark on subjects just because they may not be always pleasant to teach. Essentially we are teaching children how to be effective members of society when they are done with school. After high school some may continue education or get a job. Which ever the case they need to have the background knowledge on how to deal with today's issues and how to contribute to the common good. If they are not provided practice or experience they will be lost. Students should also be given the opportunity to feel empowered and know that they can always make a change.

This entire current event project was really beneficial for me. It forced me to become more involved with a huge issue our country is facing today and do my own research. I feel more confident on my opinions on gun control because I have evidence to support my claims. The interview with my dad opened my eyes and allowed us to have a conversation we most likely would not have had without this project. I was able to learn his beliefs and keep them in consideration when forming my own.

After participating in this project and doing research I believe it is too easy to obtain a gun license and more components should be involved in the application process. I think stricter background checks and medical records need to be examined. I also believe that each individual who will be under the same roof of the gun owner needs to be given a background check because they will have access to that gun. I do believe people have a right to protect themselves and own guns but not everyone is capable of the severe responsibilities that come with being a gun owner. People could argue that medical records are private and should not be included in gun licensing but I feel we have had too many tragedies created by mentally ill people. Teaching gun control to children may be very difficult but I think the upper levels should be introduced to it. It does not have to include all of the gruesome details but children should be aware of the problem and be able to form their own opinions on the subject. Most likely they have already been exposed to the problems by hearing their parents talk or watching the news and they just have an outlet to express their opinions and ask questions. The classroom should feel safe for them to explore this issue and any others.

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